How should you stand & sit?

Poor posture is the bane of our existence in the modern world. Text neck, forward head posture, slumped shoulders, we have dozens of names for it and we can even hear our mothers voices in the back of our heads harping to sit up straight.


We’ve even developed a bunch of gadgets and tools to help us in this endeavor, from straps and electronic gadgets that beep, to more barbaric devices like a cross shaped bar across your back.


But no matter how many gadgets come out, or how many shoulder blade squeezes we do, things done seem to get better. Our posture doesn’t improve.. but why?


One major reason for this is that we are designed to move. You ever sit down for so long that your butt begins to hurt? That’s your body telling you to get up and move.


In the hospitals, patients that are bed ridden must be turned every couple of hours or they are at risk for pressure injuries, which can be devastating and even cause lesions in the skin.


There isn’t an ideal posture because we aren’t statues. We need to move, we need to get up and we need to walk around.


There isn’t a secret posture that allows you to sit or stand indefinitely without pain. We have to get moving. Our muscles, joints, tendons, fascia and nerves require it.


In addition to that, we want to add diversity to our posture. If we try to sit tall all day, then try slouching a little bit. If you stand with your shoulders back, try relaxing them.


If you want to learn more about posture or improve the way you move, lets make it happen.


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